OOH Metrics Update for 2015
There is no doubt that the emergence of the smartphone has created much impact in the lives of today's urban consumer. It has made our lives much easier but at the same time a little bit stressful too. Every now and then a red circle with a white number in it pops up in our screen indicating the number of messages or notifications we have to deal with in the growing number of apps on our smartphones. And because of this, more people are looking down on their phones instead of paying attention to what is out on the street. This phenomenon of looking down too much on a 5 inch screen inthe palm of one's hand has an impact too on the daily net viewership of a billboard. For this reason, it is imperative that media agencies who herald their prowess in audience measurement of Out-Of-Home media should really examine their current criteria for determining daily net viewership of an OOH site or panel. In my recent talk at Media Outlook 2015 at the Fairmont Hotel in...